Faculty of Arts
Criticism and the Arts

TB2 First Year Only

1, 9

1- Real-world relevance – Students will learn scripting, editing and presenting skills in order to produce a podcast and audio or video reviews.

9- Polished products – Students will be marked on the quality of the podcast and video files and are required to accomplish professional standards.

School of Modern Languages
From Judgement to Trial: Selected Works by Franz Kafka

TB2, Open. Pre-requisite: Sufficient knowledge of German (A-Level or equivalent)


5- Collaboration – Working in groups to produce a group wiki page, collaboration is essential to contextualise the story and critical approaches.

German Business Communication

TB2, Open Pre-requisite: Sufficient knowledge of German (A-Level or equivalent)

1, 4, 5

1- Real-world relevance- This unit will help understand how to communicate in a business environment in both the private and public sector.

4- Multiple sources and perspectives – Drawing on perspectives from language and international business management to cover a range of topics.

5- Collaboration – Students are marked partly on the basis of a group presentation.

City Futures: Migration, Citizenship, and Planetary Change

TB2 Open Unit


1- Real-world relevance- This unit covers elements of citizenship and belonging giving it a natural predisposition to cover topics that are relevant to the ‘real world.’ As urban environments are becoming more and more important to our world today, this unit allows students to explore what it means to live in a city and how it can be improved.

As the assessment is in the form a video presentation it allows students to develop a variety of skills useful to life after graduation such as film-making, teamwork and adapting to working within different environments.

2- Ill-defined problem- Students pick their own theme for the video presentation and the wide variety of issues they could tackle means that the problems are wide reaching and ill-defined.

3- Sustained Investigation- Students are required to write workshop reports twice a month (500 words) to create a portfolio but also ensures students are continuously engaged.

4- Multiple sources and perspectives- This unit has a wide range of sources from different places including sociology, ethnography and urban planning.

5- Collaboration- The final assessment is a group video presentation, but teaching is conducted in a student-centred learning space, driven by student groups and overseen by TA’s.

7- Interdisciplinary Perspective- Draws on a wide variety of subject areas and this unit is open to anyone studying at undergraduate level so naturally brings a wide range of disciplines.

8- Integrated Assessment – Assessment is based on their workshops and is continuous throughout the unit.

9- Polished products- The video presentation is completed to a high standard and displayed at a mini-conference at the end of term.

10- Multiple interpretations and outcomes – As the final video presentation is student-interest led, depending on the interests of the groups there can be a wide range of topics covered with students coming to their own conclusions.

Life Sciences
School of Psychological Science
Science of Happiness

TB1+2 Open, First Year Students

1, 6, 8

1- Real-world relevance – This unit explores ways to live a happier and more satisfying life, even in a challenging environment.

6- Reflection (metacognition)- Students are required to reflect on the ‘Happiness Hub’ each week. This unit aims not only for students to reflect on the material they have learnt but also how the material can be used in their own life.

8- Integrated Assessment - Carrying no formal mark, his unit is marked pass/fail. Students reflection will form the basis of their assessment along with a group project that will explore a theme in the class.

Faculty of Science
School of Geographical Sciences
Convincing stories? Numbers as evidence in the social sciences

TB1, Open

1, 3, 4, 5, 7

1- Real-world relevance – Students will not only examine how and why statistics are used within their own disciplines but also how they create stories. Skills gained in this unit are designed to be transferable to the job market and recreate tasks that may be set in jobs.

3- Sustained Investigation – Group projects require continuous and sustained work and attendance is required to both seminars and labs.

4- Multiple sources and perspectives - Examining the use of statistics in media, public policy and in social and scientific debate,

5- Collaboration – This unit is assessed through a group project and is marked by other students allowing for students to collaborate not only in their groups but also to critically reflect and provide feedback.

7- Interdisciplinary Perspective – Although this unit is designed to be applied to students own discipline, in order to appreciate the complex nature of statistics and interrelated use of disciplines to create stories, perspectives from a multitude of disciplines will be considered.

Sustainable Development

TB2, Open

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

1- Real-world relevance – This unit focuses on issues that are topical and critical for students going into a world of climate change and ecological debate. Topics include deforestation and sustainable energy but they change on a yearly basis. By focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals it allows students to understand real world policy making and decisions.

2- Ill-defined problem- Broad topics such as climate change and sustainable energy allow students a broad frame of reference to work. Assessment focuses on large sustainable development challenges and students must decide how to tackle them.

3- Sustained Investigation- Students sustain their investigation through report writing that requires them to choose a topic of sustainable development and then look deeper into the causes, issues and policies that surround it. As the assessment is integrated into the unit, students must continue to investigate throughout the course.

4- Multiple sources and perspectives- By understanding the tensions of sutainable development and the multitude of actors involved, students will examine how different perspectives and stakeholders conflict surrounding different sustainable development issues.

5- Collaboration – Group reports of students working in teams of 4 or 5 ensure that students have to work collaboratively in order to pass the module. Although marks are given on an individual basis, there is some peer assessment.

6- Reflection (metacognition) - 50% of the assessment is an individual report highlighting key personal insights from the course. This allows students to express their own ideas, alongside reflecting on what they have learnt throughout the course so far.

7- Interdisciplinary Perspective – This unit draws on a variety of disciplines to understand sustainable development but they are used under 5 broad headings: Science; Economics and Legal Institutions; Politics and Justice; Individual and Organisational Behaviour Change; Engineering and Innovation.

Social Sciences (SPAIS and School for Policy Studies)
Contemporary Debates in Global Childhood

TB2, Open

1, 4, 7

1- Real-world relevance – Examining local, national and government policy including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

4- Multiple sources and perspectives – Looking at the impact of climate change, government policy and theoretical contemporary theories to understing children and young people’s place in society.

7- Interdisciplinary Perspective – Using sociological, political, legal and theoretical understandings of children and young people’s place in the world.

Segregation and inequality in the UK (measurement and debate

TB2, Open

1, 2, 10

1- Real-world relevance – Creating a report based on current inequality and segregation in the UK, using statistical analysis to illustrate your point. This can be particularly powerful as much of the research focuses on the segregation within Bristol, so allows students to engage with think about Bristol outside of the university bubble.

2- Ill-defined problem – The report can be on any area of segregation in the UK that students may choose, and as segregation is a multi-faceted issue with a huge range of causes, the problem is ill-defined for students. Students are encouraged to find issues that interest them and turn it into an issue something measurable.

10- Multiple interpretations and outcomes – As students are dealing with complex issues and are allowed to choose their own research project it means that no two reports are alike. It also demonstrates the stories you can tell with statistics so even if two groups get the same results they may not reach the same conclusions.

Understanding Crime, Harm and Society

TB2, Open

1, 9

1- Real-world relevance- This unit examines a wide variety of crime and harm that is inextricably linked to everyday life: from sex crimes and murder to social crimes that are less visible, down to everyday crime and harm from workplace safety. By examining crime and harm at every ecehlon of society and looking at the practical policy implications it links what students are learning to the real world. This is reinforced by the assessments which are also tools that can be useful outside of university.

9- Polished products – Students are required to produce both a poster and a magazine article for a popular audience as part of their assessment. This challenges students to not just create something that is academically well-informed and accurately conveys their knowledge, but also to make it appealing, and use a wider variety of skills to think about how it could be published, edited and formatted.

University of Bristol Law School
Law In Action

Law in Action TB1+TB2, Open

5, 6

5- Collaboration – Students are required to work in a team both in seminars and for a group video presentation.

6- Reflection (metacognition) - Reflective report to be completed as part of the summative assessment. This report should demonstrate understanding and development of autonomous learning.

Richmond Building
Bristol SU
Society Committee Members

- President and Vice - Treasurer - Social Secretary - Wellbeing Officer

Training Offered

Student-Led Volunteering Opportunities Student Led Projects @ Bristol SU

Centre for Innovation
Understanding global problems using data: inequality, climate change and the economy

TB2, Open

1, 4, 5, 8, 9

1- Real-world relevance – As suggested by the title, this unit teaches student to practically use and understand data to understand the global economy. It focuses particularly around sustainability, innovation and inequality. It also teaches students to use excel, an absolutely critical skill going into the job market. The assessment also requires you to produce ‘real world’ outcomes such as podcasts and news articles.

4- Multiple sources and perspectives – This unit looks at data from a variety of sources and demonstrates the different ways to interpret and analyse it.

5- Collaboration – The unit is based around group-based exercise and 50% of the assessment is group work. Students are therefore continually collaborating both in and out of class with their peers.

8- Integrated Assessment – Students are assessed on their presentation and use of the data analysis they work on in class, and teaching is broken down into three blocks, one week to learn the material, one week to produce data analysis and the last week to work on an assessment piece. As assessment is broken down and is a direct output of work done in class assessment is integrated into the teaching.

9- Polished products- Students are required to produce a podcast, video, BBC article, or blog that demonstrates the importance of what they have found. Students must therefore learn new skills or build on old ones in order to present something that could be used in a media setting and should meet standards of media outlets.